The Benefits of Working with a Local Manufacturer

In recent years, there has been significantly more talk about local manufacturing and buying. These practices benefit our economy in numerous ways, especially for the obvious reason that we are keeping our profits in our country. This directly contributes to our economic growth. In addition to keeping our profits circulating in our country, shipping costs and times are lowered and it is possible for a much quicker manufacturing-to-shelving process. Local manufacturing makes it possible to be close to the customer and to more efficiently address customer needs.

Reduced Shipping and Manufacturing Time – Grow Your Profits Sooner

  • If your business needs an item manufactured and shipped by a strict deadline, the best option is to work with a domestic manufacturer like Microdyne. For example, if a juice or hair product company needs to send out a large product shipment quickly to fill store shelves, a local company can get the bottles manufactured, locally filled, packaged and ready to go in even just hours. Find out how you can get your products on shelves quicker here.

Reduced Shipping Costs — Save More Money

  • Shipping costs are reduced with a domestic shipment because the cost of fuel is significantly reduced. Instead of dealing with international air freight shipments that require high costs of shipping based on product weight and fuel consumption, the preferred options of rail and ground shipping are available and should be utilized whenever possible.
  • Having your product manufactured internationally also requires international shipment costs. When choosing to manufacture your product locally, there are no fees associated with transferring products through customs. There are also no international taxes or clearance fees applied to the shipment when manufacturing your product in the USA.

Encourage Local Prosperity — Support the USA

  • A sense of patriotism comes over us when we buy a product that says, “Made in the USA”… especially if it comes from your region or even as close as your state. The positive feeling associated with directly supporting the local economy is a large deciding factor in manufacturing and buying locally. The more business a local manufacturer has, the more frequently local jobs are created, which in turn allows for more local spending and profit. Keeping currency circulation in the US is important to be able to boost the economy. Create more jobs by manufacturing your plastics with Microdyne!

Microdyne Plastics offers design engineering toolinginjection molding, and blow molding.


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